Friday, August 28, 2009

Scriptural Perspectives on the Health Food Industry

For clarity's sake, all scripture is either KJV or NKJV.

Let’s start with the assertion I hear the most, that “the body is the temple of God” and that, as such, we should take care of it.

I love this concept. Deeply. My body the temple of God. In fact, so much so that I see it almost as an insult to our Lord when it is applied to food and physical fitness.

This reference is made in both chapters 3 and 6 of I Corinthians. However, a reading of those two chapters reveals that neither case refers in any way to food – or physical health, for that matter... In fact, to the contrary, vs 6:13 seems to totally dismiss food. (I actually like the original KJV best here. I think it defines it even more clearly). From my perspective the very fact he brings it up out of nowhere, so-to-speak, gives credence that the following passages have nothing to do with the physical body, including food – or smoking (a HUGE American issue), for that matter! :-)

Now let’s go to what Jesus said in Matt 15:10-20. Verses 7-9 are not a direct part of this passage, but I do think that vs 9 particularly is worthy of thought.

The specific verses I will quote are 17-18, but the whole passage needs to be looked at. “Do you not yet understand that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and is eliminated? But those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart and they defile a man.” Today’s take on the Judaic food laws seems to be based on the fact that from a nutritional vantage, certain foods are not “good” for us, thereby opening the healthy eating concept. Don’t you think Jesus knew this? If so, and if it were important, why didn’t he include that reminder here?

You could argue that in this case he is talking about the heart and not the body. However, please keep in mind that later Peter has a vision that makes it clear that the Judaic food laws were no longer to be followed. In fact, God specifically told him not to call unclean that which he has called clean. (I encourage you to read this. I love symbolism and Peter was told this three (3) times.) Acts 10: 9-16

Finally, let’s go to I Timothy 4:1-7. All bold and italics are mine. I think it is extremely interesting that the scripture reads “1 Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, 2 speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, 3 forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth.”

I think this is a very strong word and one I do not take lightly.

I also would like to add that I definitely respect Romans 14 and Paul’s admonishment to us to not judge others who decide to do differently from us. My only problem is when that chosen difference is presented in the arena of church (and church dinners, etc.). At least here in America, a person who rejects health foods as a life style is seen as being irresponsible at the least and being downright “in-your-face” towards God at the worst. Verses 1 & 2, and then 14, are especially poignant. Why should I purposely choose to consider something unacceptable that Jesus himself does not? And yes, I certainly see verses 19-23. Also 14b – 15 and 20. My issue is not on an individual level. It is when the church does not question it but rather accepts, condones, and even at times, encourages it. I see no reason to put laws upon myself (and others) that He doesn’t. In fact, what is Galatians about?

Scriptures for Thought

In praying about and pondering the Health Food Issue within the bounds of a believer's life, I have gathered these references for thought. I am listing them without comment, but welcome input and discussion.

Please understand that this is not an eternal issue. My desire, rather, is to free believers from self-imposed bondages that have no scriptural basis and that keep them from freely interacting with the world and all the junk in it. How can we be lights in the midst of darkness if we separate ourselves from it?

Peters vision: Acts 10: 9-16
Jesus – defilement: Matt 15: 10-20
Fear not of God: II Tim 1:7
Latter times – food: I Timothy 4:1-7
Jesus final word to the eleven: Mark 16:18

I read this in the context of Matt 4:5-7. Would I intentionally drink a glass of poison? No.
Do I worry about trace elements of pesticides that might be on fresh veggies? No.

Our bodies being the temple of God: I Corinthians chapters 3 and 6 in their entirety.
Live according to our conscience: Romans 14

About Me

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I am a non-conformist in a culture that worships conformity (to something, even non-conformity) and that can be interesting. I am married with children. I love nature and melding in with the outdoors and find it sad that so much of today’s culture chooses to live within the confines of 4 walls in order to experience creature comfort. And most importantly, I love Jesus and pray that my life reflects Him and his Truth.